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015 002 415 002

Price: $4.36
In Stock 21
Storm Sewer Grate & Inlet
6 Grates & Inlets

Great Lakes Models
015 002 415 002

N Scale
N Gauge
1:160 Scale
Product ID #015002415002
Date Added
Storm Sewer Grate & Inlet
6 Grates & Inlets

Great Lakes Models
015 002 415 002

This Sewer Grate is an exact replica of the one in the intersection of W. Duluth Ave and S. Massachusetts Ave in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on 05-21-10. This same style has been used since the turn of the 20th century through present day; throughout the Midwest and east coast, from big cities to small towns.

These Sewer Grates & Inlets feature intricate details and are pre-scored to make assemby a snap! Other applications include separate inlet and sewer grate pieces to allow for a more custom fit to your layout.

Options for use:
1) Sewer Grate next to curb and inlet in Curb.

2) Sewer Grate next to curb but inlet not used.

3) Sewer Grate in alley or any where storm water needs to drain.

N Scale
N Gauge
1:160 Scale
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